Monday, August 13, 2007


I’m back in deep, where I find no sleep
Where any little beep makes my heart leap!
Now I’m seeking solace in my weakness, my addictiveness
Hoping to seek forgiveness irrespective of my hopelessness.
I am all swamped by my unhappiness
that which I get from my loneliness
My sadness that I get from helplessness.

Now I look back and remember my past boldness
When I used to express and enjoy my smoothness
Now that has gone replaced with my dumbness.

Now I ve got tears in my eyes,
Remembering when I used to freeze moments like ice,
Making life appear so easy like eating rice, and even easier like dropping lines.

I sit rite here wondering how I got here,
Asking myself, this started where, anywhere, somewhere
Far or near?
For right now in my mind I’ve got fears
When into my future I take a long stare
I just couldn’t see myself near why I came here
My soul I bare as I’m chilling sipping my cold beer


At Mon Aug 13, 10:18:00 AM, Blogger Jotees Trendz said...

Okay Driso! This is sad! How did 'we' get to this point?


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